Prices &
Practical info

Swim Training for children who are already independent in the water (3+) and for those who have completed our Self Rescue and Swim Float Swim programs.

*Prices vary in different locations due to costs

The Netherlands €945
Amsterdam €955
UK £750
Dubai €895
Ibiza €945
Bonaire $975
Aruba $975 *plus relocation costs
Curacao $975 *plus relocation costs
Antwerp €925
Sint-Lievens-Esse €895
Genk €945

The course is ten days, 30 minutes per day

Step 3. Swim Training Course

We begin to refine all of the strokes, starts, water entry, turning, diving, breath control including bilateral breathing.

For children who are already independent in the water and for those who have completed our Self Rescue and Swim Float Swim programs.
3 years old and up

Our approach is to work with each child’s individual abilities. We assess each child’s strengths and challenges. We always integrate our Self Rescue technique into every course.


Level 1

  • Basic front and back crawl with technically correct flutter legs.
  • 10 metres of technically correct single backstroke.
  • Basic breaststroke legs/ introduction of arms.
  • Independent jumping from the side and diving with assistance.
  • Diving up rings with assistance.
  • Survival: floating.


Level 2

  • 5 metres back crawl and front crawl with side breathing. 
  • 15 metres technically correct single backstroke. 
  • Basic combination breaststroke, face the water. 
  • Straight jump from the side and independent diving through hoop/hole. 
  • Independent climbing on mat/side. 
  • Independent diving up rings. 
  • Survival: floating, skulling.


Level 3

  • 10 metres technically correct back crawl and front crawl with side breathing.
  • Swimming distance and climbing on the side (with clothing).
  • 25 metres technically correct single backstroke.
  • 25 metres technically correct breaststroke (breathing after 1 or 2 strokes).
  • Diving independently and swimming 6 metres through hole.
  • Under and over a mat.
  • Diving up rings from the bottom.
  • Survival: floating, sculling, HELP position.

After having completed all three levels, children will have the opportunity to receive their International Children of the Water diploma, which is equivalent to the A and B diploma in The Netherlands.

All lessons are one on one with a specialised instructor.
Each course is 10 days, 30 minutes per day

We offer a 10 day/2-2.5 week course where your child will swim 4 or 5 times a week for 30 minutes per day.